# Relaxation time T{sub}`1` of the bosonic mode (coherent state decay) Using {mod}`.pulsed` mode, we measure the energy-relaxation time $T_1$ of the bosonic mode. We first displace the memory with a pulse at the memory frequency with a $\sin^2$ envelope. Then the memory enegy decays during the delay time $\delta$. The qubit-control pulse is a selective $\pi$ pulse with a $\sin^2$ envelope whose frequency is the frequency of the qubit when the memory is in the Fock state $|0\rangle$. The readout pulse is at the frequency of the readout resonator and has a square envelope. By probing the state of the qubit, we directly get the probablility that the memory is in state $|0\rangle$. ![T1 memory coherent pulse sequence](images/T1_memory_coherent_pulse_sequence.svg){align=center} The class for performing the $T_1$ experiment is available at [presto-measure/t1_memory_coherent.py][t1_memory_coherent.py]. Here, we run the experiment and observe the qubit population exponentially approaching the excited state. This translates in the memory starting in the Fock state $|1\rangle$ and exponentially approaching the ground state $|0\rangle$. We then have a look at the main parts of the code. You can create a new experiment and run it on your Presto. Be sure to change the parameters of `T1_memory_coherent` to match your experiment and change `presto_address` to match the IP address of your Presto: ```python from t1_memory_coherent import T1_memory_coherent import numpy as np experiment = T1_memory_coherent( readout_freq=6.2e9, control_freq=4.2e9, memory_freq=3.5e9, readout_amp=0.1, control_amp=0.5, memory_amp=0.2, readout_duration=2.5e-6, control_duration=2000e-9, memory_duration=50e-9, sample_duration=2.5e-6, delay_arr=np.linspace(0, 2000e-6, 101), readout_port=1, control_port=2, memory_port=5, sample_port=1, wait_delay=5e-3, readout_sample_delay=0e-9, num_averages=100, ) presto_address = "" # your Presto IP address save_filename = experiment.run(presto_address) ``` Or you can also load older data: ```python experiment = T1_memory_coherent.load("../data/t1_memory_coherent_20230704_150826.h5") ``` In either case, we analyze the data to get a nice plot. In odrer to fit the data, we should know the amplitude of the displacement `beta`. ```python experiment.analyze(beta=3.31) ``` It is also possible to fit `beta` by not providing it to the analyze method. ```python experiment.analyze() ``` :::{note} To convert amplitudes from Presto units into displacement amplitude units perform [Displacement calibration](displacement_calibration) experiment and extract the conversion factor. ::: ```{image} images/t1_memory_coherent_light.svg :align: center :class: only-light ``` ```{image} images/t1_memory_coherent_dark.svg :align: center :class: only-dark ``` The qubit starts in the ground state at zero delay $\delta = 0~\mu s$ as there is no population of Fock state $|0\rangle$ since the displacement amplitude is relatively large and the selective qubit $\pi$ pulse does not affect the qubit state. The amplitude of the coherent state exponentially decays for increasing $\delta$ $\alpha(\delta)=\alpha_0 \exp(-\delta/(2T_1))$. Hence, the probability to find the Fock state $|0\rangle$ is $P_{|0\rangle}(\delta)=\exp(-|\alpha(\delta)|^2)$. We qubit population is proportional to Fock state $|0\rangle$ population after the selective $\pi$ pulse, so the relaxation time $T_1$ of the memory is extracted from the fit. The complex-valued readout signal is rotated using {func}`.utils.rotate_opt` so that all the information about the qubit state is in the I quadrature. ## Code explanation Here we discuss the main part of the code of the `t1_memory_coherent` class: the definition of the experiment sequence. The full source is available at [presto-measure/t1_memory_coherent.py][t1_memory_coherent.py]. We implement the variable delay in the measurement with a single `for` loop: ```python T = 0.0 # s, start at time zero ... for delay in self.delay_arr: pls.output_pulse(T, memory_pulse) # displace memory T += self.memory_duration T += delay # increasing delay pls.output_pulse(T, control_pulse) # pi pulse conditioned on memory in |0> T += self.control_duration pls.output_pulse(T, readout_pulse) # Readout pls.store(T + self.readout_sample_delay) T += self.readout_duration T += self.wait_delay # Wait for decay ``` We first displace the memory. After waiting a variable amount of time, we output qubit-control $\pi$ pulse that maps the population of Fock state $|0\rangle$ in the memory onto qubit population. Finally, we perform the readout. --- {meth}`~.Pulsed.run` executes the experiment sequence. We set `repeat_count=1` since the whole pulse sequence is already programmed in the for loop. ```python pls.run(period=T, repeat_count=1, num_averages=self.num_averages) ``` [t1_memory_coherent.py]: https://github.com/intermod-pro/presto-measure/blob/master/t1_memory_coherent.py