# Resonator sweep with the qubit in the excited state {mod}`.pulsed` frequency sweep of the resonator with and without a $\pi$ pulse on the qubit. The qubit-control pulse has a $\sin^2$ envelope, while the resonator-readout pulse has a square envelope. We sweep the readout frequency. ![excited sweep pulse sequence](images/excited_sweep_pulse_sequence.svg){align=center} The full source code of the class `ExcitedSweep` for performing the experiment is available at [presto-measure/excited_sweep.py][excited_sweep.py]. Here, we first run the experiment and then look at the most interesting parts of the code. You can create a new experiment and run it on your Presto. Be sure to change the parameters of `ExcitedSweep` to match your experiment and change `presto_address` to match the IP address of your Presto: ```python from excited_sweep import ExcitedSweep experiment = ExcitedSweep( readout_freq_center=6.2e9, readout_freq_span=4.2e6, readout_freq_nr=101, control_freq=4e9, readout_amp=0.1, control_amp=0.5, readout_duration=2.5e-6, control_duration=100e-9, sample_duration=2.5e-6, readout_port=1, control_port=4, sample_port=1, wait_delay=100e-6, readout_sample_delay=0e-9, num_averages=100, ) presto_address = "" # your Presto IP address save_filename = experiment.run(presto_address) ``` Or you can also load older data: ```python experiment = ExcitedSweep.load("data/excited_sweep_20220402_201551.h5") ``` In either case, we analyze the data to get a nice plot: ```python experiment.analyze() ``` ```{image} images/excited_sweep_light.svg :align: center :class: only-light ``` ```{image} images/excited_sweep_dark.svg :align: center :class: only-dark ``` The figure above shows the amplitude (top panel) and phase (middle panel) of the readout-resonator response when the qubit is prepared in its ground or excited state. The bottom panel shows the distance in the complex plane between the two traces: the optimal readout frequency that maximizes the separation is marked with a vertical dashed line. ## Code explanation Here we look under the hood of the `ExcitedSweep` class and discuss the pulse sequence and the phase reset on the resonator-readout pulse. You can find the full source code at [presto-measure/excited_sweep.py][excited_sweep.py]. :::{note} If this is your first measurement in {mod}`.pulsed` mode, you might want to first have a look at the [Rabi amplitude](rabi_amp) chapter in this tutorial. There we describe the code more pedagogically and in more detail. ::: We set up the digital up-conversion similarly as in the previous chapter of this tutorial, [Ramsey fringes](ramsey_fringes). This time, however, the settings on the qubit control and resonator readout are reversed: we use zero intermediate frequency (IF) on the qubit-control pulse, and we use single-sideband modulation (SSB) in the upper sideband (USB) for the resonator-readout pulse: ```python pls.hardware.configure_mixer( self.readout_nco, # <-- up-conversion frequency (nonzero IF) in_ports=self.sample_port, out_ports=self.readout_port, ) pls.hardware.configure_mixer( self.control_freq, # <-- output frequency (zero IF) out_ports=self.control_port, ) pls.setup_freq_lut( self.readout_port, group=0, frequencies=self.readout_if_arr, phases=np.full_like(self.readout_if_arr, 0.0), phases_q=np.full_like(self.readout_if_arr, -np.pi / 2), # <-- USB ) ``` --- For each resonator frequency, we repeat the measurement twice: once with the qubit in the ground state (no qubit-control pulse), and a second time with a $\pi$ pulse to put the qubit in the excited state. In both cases, we perform the readout right after the state preparation. Finally, after the second run, we call {meth}`~.Pulsed.next_frequency` to repeat both measurements at all the resonator frequencies: ```python T = 0.0 # s, start at time zero ... for ii in range(2): # state preparation if ii == 0: pass # no pulse else: pls.output_pulse(T, control_pulse) # π pulse T += self.control_duration # readout pls.reset_phase(T, self.readout_port) pls.output_pulse(T, readout_pulse) pls.store(T + self.readout_sample_delay) T += self.readout_duration if ii == 0: pass # keep same frequency for next iteration else: pls.next_frequency(T, self.readout_port) T += self.wait_delay # wait for decay ``` For the readout, we call {meth}`~.Pulsed.reset_phase` to make sure the resonator-readout pulse repeats always with the exact same phase, regardless of the repetition period of the experiment and the pulse frequency of the current iteration. This ensures that the interleaved averaging performed by {meth}`~.Pulsed.store` happens coherently and correctly. --- Finally, we call {meth}`~.Pulsed.run` to execute the pulse sequence `readout_freq_nr` number of times: ```python pls.run(period=T, repeat_count=self.readout_freq_nr, num_averages=self.num_averages) ``` [excited_sweep.py]: https://github.com/intermod-pro/presto-measure/blob/master/excited_sweep.py