# Tutorial: qubit calibration ```{toctree} :titlesonly: :hidden: resonator_spectroscopy.md resonator_spectroscopy_power.md resonator_spectroscopy_DC_sweep.md twotone_spectroscopy.md rabi_amp.md rabi_time.md t1.md ramsey.md ramsey_echo.md ramsey_fringes.md excited_sweep.md pulsed_twotone_spectroscopy.md single_shot_readout.md ``` ## Tune up a qubit with Presto Performing all the standard qubit measurements is a good place to start learning how to program the Presto API. In this tutorial, we begin with a simple resonator spectroscopy using {mod}`.lockin` mode, and we continue with all the standard pulsed measurements using {mod}`.pulsed` mode. You can view the complete source code of the example scripts in the [presto-measure repository][presto-measure]. We recommend you read the examples in order as later measurements build on previous ones. If you want to skip ahead, be sure to have a look at the first scripts using each of the lockin and pulsed mode: [Resonator spectroscopy](resonator_spectroscopy) and [Rabi amplitude](rabi_amp). Here's a list of the examples in this tutorial with a brief description, click on the headers to view the related page. These measurements, and a few more, are also published in the [Presto paper](#presto-paper). ### [Resonator spectroscopy](resonator_spectroscopy.md) {mod}`.lockin` -- Simple single-frequency sweep of the resonator in continuous wave. ### [Power sweep of resonator](resonator_spectroscopy_power.md) {mod}`.lockin` -- 2D sweep of drive amplitude and frequency of the resonator. ### [Frequency and DC bias sweep of flux tunable resonator](resonator_spectroscopy_DC_sweep.md) {mod}`.lockin` -- 2D sweep of DC bias and frequency of the flux tunable resonator. ### [Two-tone spectroscopy of the qubit](twotone_spectroscopy.md) {mod}`.lockin` -- Two-tone spectroscopy: 2D sweep of qubit drive amplitude and frequency, with fixed resonator drive frequency and amplitude. ### [Rabi in amplitude](rabi_amp.md) {mod}`.pulsed` -- Rabi oscillations by driving the qubit with a pulse of variable amplitude and constant duration. Multiple pulses can be applied to increase the accuracy of fitted results. ### [Rabi time](rabi_time.md) {mod}`.pulsed` -- 2D sweep where we measure Rabi oscillations by driving the qubit with a square pulse of variable duration and variable amplitude. Fit the amplitude-dependent Rabi rate. ### [Relaxation time {math}`T_1`](t1.md) {mod}`.pulsed` -- Measure the energy-relaxation time $T_1$. ### [Ramsey {math}`T_2^*`](ramsey.md) {mod}`.pulsed` -- Measure Ramsey oscillations by changing the delay between two $\pi/2$ pulses. Fit detuning of control frequency from qubit, and the coherence time {math}`T_2^*`. ### [Hahn echo {math}`T_2`](ramsey_echo.md) {mod}`.pulsed` -- Measure the decoherence time $T_2$ with a Ramsey-echo experiment. ### [Ramsey fringes](ramsey_fringes.md) {mod}`.pulsed` -- Measure Ramsey fringes by changing the delay between two $\pi/2$ pulses and their detuning from the qubit frequency. ### [Resonator sweep with the qubit in the excited state](excited_sweep.md) {mod}`.pulsed` -- Pulsed frequency sweep of the resonator with and without a $\pi$ pulse: plot and fit resonance curves for ground and excited states, and find the optimal readout frequency. ### [Pulsed two-tone spectroscopy](pulsed_twotone_spectroscopy.md) {mod}`.pulsed` -- Two-tone spectroscopy: 1D sweep of qubit drive frequency, with fixed amplitude and fixed resonator drive frequency and amplitude. [presto-measure]: https://github.com/intermod-pro/presto-measure [restools]: https://github.com/sebastianprobst/resonator_tools