# Pulsed two-tone spectroscopy Two-tone spectroscopy using {mod}`.pulsed` mode. 1D sweep of qubit drive frequency with fixed amplitude, and fixed resonator drive frequency and amplitude. This is the pulsed version of the [Resonator spectroscopy](twotone_spectroscopy) chapter in this tutorial on qubit calibration. ![pulsed two tone pulse sequence](images/pulsed_two_tone_pulse_sequence.svg){align=center} The source code for the class `TwoTonePulsed` that performs this experiment is available at [presto-measure/two_tone_pulsed.py][two_tone_pulsed.py]. Here, we first run the experiment and extract an estimate of the qubit frequency, and we then have a deeper look at what the code actually does. You can create a new experiment and run it on your Presto. Be sure to change the parameters of `TwoTonePulsed` to match your experiment and change `presto_address` to match the IP address of your Presto. ```python from two_tone_pulsed import TwoTonePulsed experiment = TwoTonePulsed( readout_freq=6.2e9, control_freq_center=4.2e9, control_freq_span=250e6, control_freq_nr=101, readout_amp=0.2, control_amp=0.1, readout_duration=2.5e-6, control_duration=2.5e-6, sample_duration=2.5e-6, readout_port=1, control_port=4, sample_port=1, wait_delay=100e-6, readout_sample_delay=0, num_averages=100, ) presto_address = "" # your Presto IP address save_filename = experiment.run(presto_address) ``` Or you can also load older data: ```python experiment = TwoTonePulsed.load("data/two_tone_pulsed_20220331_164030.h5") ``` In either case, we analyze the data to get a nice plot: ```python experiment.analyze() ``` ```{image} images/two_tone_pulsed_light.svg :align: center :class: only-light ``` ```{image} images/two_tone_pulsed_dark.svg :align: center :class: only-dark ``` ## Code explanation Here we discuss the main parts of the code in the `TwoTonePulsed` class, you can see the full source code at [presto-measure/two_tone_pulsed.py][two_tone_pulsed.py]. :::{note} If this is your first measurement in {mod}`.pulsed` mode, you might want to first have a look at the [Rabi amplitude](rabi_amp) chapter in this tutorial. There we describe the code more pedagogically and in more detail. ::: We want to sweep the frequency of the qubit-control pulse. We do that by changing the intermediate frequency (IF) and keeping the NCO frequency constant, just like we already did in [Ramsey fringes](ramsey_fringes). Note that this is the opposite to what we did in the continuous-wave [Resonator spectroscopy](resonator_spectroscopy) chapter of this tutorial. ```python pls.hardware.configure_mixer( self.readout_freq, # <-- output frequency (zero IF) in_ports=self.sample_port, out_ports=self.readout_port, ) pls.hardware.configure_mixer( control_nco, # <-- up-conversion frequency (nonzero IF) out_ports=self.control_port, ) pls.setup_freq_lut( self.control_port, group=0, frequencies=control_if_arr, phases=np.full_like(control_if_arr, 0.0), phases_q=np.full_like(control_if_arr, -np.pi / 2), # upper sideband ) ``` And we make sure to use the IF generator with the qubit-control pulse by setting `envelope=True`: ```python control_pulse = pls.setup_template( self.control_port, group=0, template=control_envelope + 1j * control_envelope, envelope=True, # <-- multiply by IF generator ) ``` --- The pulse sequence is rather simple: ```python T = 0.0 # s, start at time zero ... pls.reset_phase(T, self.control_port) pls.output_pulse(T, control_pulse) # Control pulse T += self.control_duration pls.output_pulse(T, readout_pulse) # Readout pulse pls.store(T + self.readout_sample_delay) # Sampling window T += self.readout_duration pls.next_frequency(T, self.control_port) # Move to next control frequency T += self.wait_delay # Wait for decay ``` We readout the resonator right after outputting the qubit-control pulse. Before waiting for the qubit to decay, we call {meth}`~.Pulsed.next_frequency` to proceed to the next control frequency for the next iteration of the experiment. --- We finish up by running the experiment, setting `repeat_count` to the number of frequencies in the qubit-control sweep: ```python pls.run(period=T, repeat_count=self.control_freq_nr, num_averages=self.num_averages) ``` [two_tone_pulsed.py]: https://github.com/intermod-pro/presto-measure/blob/master/two_tone_pulsed.py