Quantum circuits

Superconducting circuits are one of the most promising platforms for scalable quantum technology. In the last couple of decades, it has undergone significant development and is currently being explored by several large tech companies as well as many academic institutions as the future of quantum computing. The analysis of superconducting circuits usually revolves around making efficient two-level quantum systems, also known as qubits, from circuits consisting of capacitors, linear inductors, and a nonlinear inductor also known as a Josephson junction.1 Microwave platform Presto is ideal for performing measurement and control of superconducting circuits.

Transmon Qubit Characterization
with Presto
Challenge: Characterize a transmon qubit and learn about Presto and Presto python API.

Solution: Follow our qubit calibration tutorial, where all the standard transmon qubit measurements are explained, or read the article by our industrial PhD student Tholen et al. where the inner workings of Presto are detailed and coherence limited qubit gates were synthesized using Presto.
Universal control of flux-tunable bosonic mode
A Customer Testimonial
Challenge: Universal control of a flux-tunable bosonic mode. This is achieved by driving both the charge port and the flux port at frequency multiples of the resonator frequency. All pulses should maintain phase coherence and meet precise timing requirements.

Solution: Presto enables full phase control over all pulses generated across multiple channels. Further, the pulses on different channels can be timed with 100 ps precision.

User: Dr. Axel Eriksson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Multimode Entanglement Characterization
A Customer Testimonial
Challenge: Characterize multipartite entanglement in microwave frequency combs generated by a Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA).

Solution: Presto allows full phase control of up to 192 pump tones and easy scalability, which are key features to engineer the quantum correlations in the system.

User: Juan Carlos Rivera Hernandez, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Enhancing Quantum Bosonic Codes with Presto
A Customer Testimonial
Challenge: The challenge in quantum information processing with bosonic codes was the need to upload complex pulse sequences without the time-consuming process of uploading new pulse shapes for each iteration.

Solution: Presto provided the solution by allowing the storage of templates in memory, eliminating the need for repeated uploads. The Python API simplified the design of complex pulse sequences, while allowing the whole experiment to be controlled by one instrument, for both pulsed and continuous signal experiments.

User: Dr Mikael Kervinen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden